
This node is used to attach simulation components (tissues, cloth and bones).

Attribute Meaning
envelope Attenuates the attachment stiffness.
attachmentMode Lets you choose between the different attachment types: “none”, “fixed” and “sliding”. The “none” mode disables the attachment. In “fixed” mode, objects are attached in a fixed way, whereas in the “sliding” mode, the first body in the attachment slides across the second body.
maintainOffset When switched on (the default behavior), this will maintain the initial offset between the “source” and the “target”. For Goal Attachments, this is switched off.
correspondence Determines the method by which “source” and “target bodies” are attached. The options are “worldSpace” (default) and “vertexID”. In the “vertexID” mode, the distances between source and target bodies are ignored, and instead every source body vertex is constrained to the vertex with the same ID in the target body. Goal Attachments use “vertexID”.
stiffness Determines how much the attachment is allowed to stretch. The stiffness attribute is represented in N/m^3 (Newtons divided by meters cubed).
stiffnessExp The power to which the value of “stiffness” is raised.
isHard Internally use an algorithm that is more stable at high stiffnesses, at the cost of some memory and speed. Does not change behaviour.
show Turn on/off the visualization for this attachment.
weights A paintable attribute on both bodies participating in the attachment. On the first body, this specifies which vertices on the first body are included in the attachment. For “hard” attachments, any value larger than 0.0 will create a “proxy point”. For “soft” attachments, paint values are used to attenuate the stiffness of the individual springs.