
Given a selected attachment, paints the attachment weight map on the source that falls-off smoothly between the prescribed min and max distance from the target.

zPaintAttachmentsByProximity [flags] [<zAttachment>]
 -h     -help                         <n/a>          this message
 -min   -minThreshold                 <float>        Is used to set the minimum distance for proximity detection.
 -max   -maxThreshold                 <float>        Is used to set the maximum distance for proximity detection.

Example usage:
Select the atachment whose weights you would like to compute and execute:
  zPaintAttachmentsByProximity -min 0.5 -max 2.0;

If the "-min" flag isn't used; a value of 0.5 is used as the default.
If the "-max" flag isn't used; a value of 2.0 is used as the default.