Source code for zBuilder.bundle

import re
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Bundle(object): """Mixin class to deal with storing node data and component data. meant to be inherited by main. """ def __init__(self): self.scene_items = list() def __iter__(self): """ This iterates through the parameters. Returns: Iterator of parameters. """ return iter(self.scene_items) def __len__(self): """ Returns: Length of parameters. """ return len(self.scene_items)
[docs] def print_(self, type_filter=list(), name_filter=list()): """ Prints out basic information for each scene item in the Builder. Information is all information that is stored in the __dict__. Useful for trouble shooting. Args: type_filter (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): filter by parameter type. Defaults to :obj:`list` name_filter (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): filter by parameter name. Defaults to :obj:`list` """ for scene_item in self.get_scene_items(type_filter=type_filter, name_filter=name_filter): print(scene_item) print('----------------------------------------------------------------')
[docs] def compare(self, type_filter=list(), name_filter=list()): """ Compares info in memory with that which is in scene. Args: type_filter (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): filter by parameter type. Defaults to :obj:`list` name_filter (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): filter by parameter name. Defaults to :obj:`list` """ for scene_item in self.get_scene_items(type_filter=type_filter, name_filter=name_filter):
[docs] def stats(self, type_filter=str()): """ Prints out basic information in Maya script editor. Information is scene item types and counts. Args: type_filter (:obj:`str`): filter by parameter type. Defaults to :obj:`str` """ tmp = {} for i, d in enumerate(self): t = d.type if type_filter: if type_filter == t: if not t in tmp: tmp[t] = [] if type_filter not in tmp: tmp[type_filter] = [] tmp[type_filter].append(d) else: if not t in tmp: tmp[t] = [] tmp[t].append(d) for key in tmp:'{} {}'.format(key, len(tmp[key])))
[docs] def append_scene_item(self, scene_item): """ appends a parameter to the parameter list. Checks if parameter is already in list, if it is it overrides the previous one. Args: scene_item (:obj:`obj`): the parameter to append to collection list. """ if scene_item in self.scene_items: self.scene_items = [ scene_item if item == scene_item else item for item in self.scene_items ] else: self.scene_items.append(scene_item)
[docs] def extend_scene_items(self, scene_items): """ Args: scene_items: Returns: """ for scene_item in scene_items: self.append_scene_item(scene_item)
[docs] def remove_scene_item(self, scene_item): """ Removes a scene_item from the bundle list while keeping order. Args: scene_item (:obj:`obj`): The scene_item object to remove. """ self.scene_items.remove(scene_item)
[docs] def get_scene_items(self, type_filter=list(), name_filter=list(), name_regex=None, association_filter=list(), association_regex=None, invert_match=False): """ Gets the scene items from builder for further inspection or modification. Args: type_filter (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`, optional): filter by parameter ``type``. Defaults to :obj:`list`. name_filter (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`, optional): filter by parameter ``name``. Defaults to :obj:`list`. name_regex (:obj:`str`): filter by parameter name by regular expression. Defaults to ``None``. association_filter (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`, optional): filter by parameter ``association``. Defaults to :obj:`list`. association_regex (:obj:`str`): filter by parameter ``association`` by regular expression. Defaults to ``None``. invert_match (bool): Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching items. Defaults to ``False`` Returns: list: List of scene items. """ # if no filters are used just return full list as it is faster if not type_filter and not association_filter and not name_filter and not name_regex and not association_regex: return self.scene_items # put type filter in a list if it isn't if not isinstance(type_filter, list): type_filter = [type_filter] # put association filter in a list if it isn't if not isinstance(association_filter, list): association_filter = [association_filter] # put name filter in a list if it isn't if not isinstance(name_filter, list): name_filter = [name_filter] type_set = set(type_filter) name_set = set(name_filter) association_set = set(association_filter) def keep_me(item, invert): if type_set and item.type not in type_set: return invert if name_set and not in name_set: return invert if hasattr(item, 'association'): if association_set and association_set.isdisjoint(item.association): return invert if association_regex and not, item.association): return invert if name_regex and not, return invert return not invert return [item for item in self if keep_me(item, invert_match)]
[docs] def string_replace(self, search, replace): """ Searches and replaces with regular expressions the scene items in the builder. Args: search (:obj:`str`): what to search for replace (:obj:`str`): what to replace it with Example: replace `r_` at front of item with `l_`: >>> z.string_replace('^r_','l_') replace `_r` at end of line with `_l`: >>> z.string_replace('_r$','_l') """ for item in self.scene_items: item.string_replace(search, replace)