Source code for zBuilder.utils

import logging
import copy as copy

import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as mm

import zBuilder.zMaya as mz
import as zva
import as skn


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def copy_paste(*args, **kwargs): ''' A utility wrapper for copying and pasting a tissue ''' sel = selection = None if args: selection =[0], l=True) else: selection =, l=True) builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_scene_selection(selection[0]) builder.string_replace(selection[0].split('|')[-1], selection[1].split('|')[-1]) builder.stats()**kwargs)
[docs]def check_map_validity(): """ This checks the map validity for zAttachments and zFibers. For zAttachments it checks if all the values are zero. If so it failed and turns off the associated zTissue node. For zFibers it checks to make sure there are at least 1 value of 0 and 1 value of .5 within a .1 threshold. If not that fails and turns off the zTissue Returns: list of offending maps """ sel = # we are going to check fibers and attachments['zAttachment', 'zFiber']), r=True) builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_scene_selection(connections=False) mz.check_map_validity(builder.get_scene_items(type_filter='map')), r=True)
[docs]def remove(nodes): # Safely remove the given Ziva nodes without worrying about breaking the scene. # A solver node can be specified either by its transform node or shape node (or both); # in any case, both are removed. # The following node types are safe to remove directly. safe_to_delete = ['zFiber', 'zAttachment'] for node in nodes: # Check if node still exists. if not mc.objExists(node): continue # Check if node is a solver, and if so, remove it first. if mz.isSolver([node]): remove_solver(solvers=[node]) # Check if node still exists. if not mc.objExists(node): continue # Check if node is a body, and if so, remove it. # We do this first as this will remove other items. if mz.check_body_type([node]): # If this is a zTissue of zTet, we need to select the mesh before we remove it:'zQuery -m')) mm.eval('ziva -rm') # Check again if node exists after the body has been removed. if mc.objExists(node): if mc.objectType(node) in safe_to_delete: mc.delete(node)
[docs]def remove_solver(solvers=None, askForConfirmation=False): # Removes the entire Ziva rig from the solver(s). # If no solver is provided, it infers them from selection. # If no solver is provided, and nothing is selected, it returns an error. # Otherwise, the provided solvers are removed. Solvers can be provided either # as a solver transform node, or solver shape node. # The command also deletes the solver nodes themselves. if solvers is None: # If selection is empty, do not select any solvers. Therefore, an error message is printed. num_selected_objects = len( if num_selected_objects > 0: solvers = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolver" -l') else: mm.eval('error -n "Nothing is selected"') return if solvers is None: mm.eval('error -n "No solver selected"') return # Convert any solver transform nodes to solver shape nodes. solvers = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolver" -l ' + ' '.join(solvers)) message = 'This command will remove the solver(s): ' for solver in solvers: short_solver_name =[0][:-5] # remove 'Shape' at the end message += short_solver_name + ', ' message += 'including all Ziva rigs in them. Proceed?' if askForConfirmation: response = mc.confirmDialog(title='Remove Ziva solver(s)', message=message, button=['Yes', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='Cancel') if response != 'Yes': return to_erase = [] for node in mz.ZNODES: nodes_in_scene = for item in nodes_in_scene: solver_of_this_item = mz.get_zSolver(item) if solver_of_this_item: solver_of_this_item = solver_of_this_item[0] if solver_of_this_item in solvers: to_erase.append(item) # unlock the transform attributes if (node == 'zTissue') or (node == 'zCloth'): maya_mesh = mm.eval('zQuery -m ' + item)[0] attrs = ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz'] for attr in attrs: mm.eval('setAttr -lock 0 ' + maya_mesh + '.' + attr) mz.delete_rivet_from_solver(solvers) mm.eval('select -cl;') # needed to avoid Maya error messages if len(to_erase) > 0: mc.delete(to_erase)
[docs]def remove_all_solvers(confirmation=False): # Removes all Ziva solvers from the scene, including all Ziva rigs. # All Ziva nodes are removed from the Maya scene. # The command also deletes the solvers themselves. if confirmation: response = mc.confirmDialog( title='Remove all Ziva solvers', message= 'This command will erase all Ziva nodes from the Maya scene. All Ziva nodes, including all solvers, will be erased. Proceed?', button=['Yes', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='Cancel') if response != 'Yes': return mz.clean_scene()
[docs]def rig_cut_copy(cut=False): # Cut or copy the Ziva rig available on currently selected objects into the Ziva clipboard. # Selection cannot be empty; otherwise an error is reported. # Selection can contain zero or one solver node; otherwise an error is reported # (it does not matter if the solver node is a solver transform node, or solver shape node). # The selected objects must all come from exactly one solver; otherwise an error is reported. # If cut is True, the Ziva rig is removed from the selection after being copied (i.e., perform a cut). global ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER global ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION global ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_CONTAINS_SOLVER_NODE selection = if not selection: mm.eval('error -n "Selection is empty. Cut/copy needs a selection to operate on."') return # Enforce that the selected objects come from exactly one solver. selected_solvers = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolver" -l') if selected_solvers is None: mm.eval('error -n "Selected objects are not connected to a solver."') return if len(selected_solvers) >= 2: mm.eval( 'error -n "Selected objects come from two or more solvers. Inputs to cut/copy must come from only one solver."' ) return # Record if selection contains a solver node. # We'll need this information when pasting. # Also check if selection contains two or more solver nodes. This is an error. num_solver_nodes = 0 for item in selection: if mz.isSolver([item]): num_solver_nodes = num_solver_nodes + 1 if num_solver_nodes == 0: ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_CONTAINS_SOLVER_NODE = False elif num_solver_nodes == 1: ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_CONTAINS_SOLVER_NODE = True else: mm.eval('error -n "Selection contains more than one solver node. "') return ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER = zva.Ziva() ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER.retrieve_from_scene_selection() ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION = selection if cut: remove(selection)
[docs]def rig_cut(): # Cut Ziva rig. See rig_cut_copy for instructions. rig_cut_copy(cut=True)
[docs]def rig_copy(): # Copy Ziva rig. See rig_cut_copy for instructions. rig_cut_copy(cut=False)
[docs]def rig_paste(): # Paste the Ziva rig from the Ziva clipboard onto scene geometry. # If nothing is selected, or the Ziva clipboard contains an explicit solver node, # the Ziva rig is applied to scene geometry that is named inside the Ziva clipboard. # If something is selected, then: # source selection 1 is pasted onto target selection 1; # source selection 2 is pasted onto target selection 2; and so on. # The pasted Ziva rig is added to the solver that was used for the last cut/copy operation. # If such a solver does not exist any more in the Maya scene (because, say, it has been cut), # it is created. global ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER global ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION if ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER is None: mm.eval('error -n "Ziva clipboard is empty. Need to cut/copy into it."') return # We need to do a deepcopy of ziva_clipboard_zbuilder because we want to manipulate # it (using string_replace), and not change the original ziva_clipboard_zbuilder object. # In this way, we can paste the same clipboard multiple times. # Make the deepcopy builder = copy.deepcopy(ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER) source_selection = ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION target_selection =, l=True) num_object_to_paste = min([len(source_selection), len(target_selection)]) # If nothing is selected when we paste, or the clipboard contains a solver node, # we paste without any name substitution. # Otherwise, perform name substitution: # source selection 1 is pasted onto target selection 1; # source selection 2 is pasted onto target selection 2; and so on. if not (target_selection == [] or ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_CONTAINS_SOLVER_NODE): for i in range(0, num_object_to_paste): builder.string_replace(source_selection[i].split('|')[-1], target_selection[i].split('|')[-1]) # In case there are other solvers in the scene, we need to make sure that all the zBuilder commands # go to the solver stored in the clipboard. Otherwise, errors could occur due to solver ambiguity. # We resolve this as follows: If such a solver does not exist in the scene (because, say, # it has been cut), we first create a solver and name it the same as the solver on the clipboard. # Then, we make the solver stored on the clipboard be the default solver. So, all zBuilder commands go to it. solver_in_clipboard = ZIVA_CLIPBOARD_ZBUILDER.get_scene_items( type_filter='zSolver')[0].solver[:-5] # remove 'Shape' at the end if not mc.objExists(solver_in_clipboard): generated_solver = mm.eval('ziva -s;')[1] # make a new solver mc.rename( generated_solver, solver_in_clipboard) # rename the solver (this also auto-renames the solver shape node) mm.eval('ziva -def ' + solver_in_clipboard + ';') # make the clipboard solver default
[docs]def rig_update(solvers=None): # Updates the Ziva rig in the solver(s). # This command can be used if you made geometry modifications and you'd like to re-use a previously # built Ziva rig on the modified geometry. # If no "solvers" are provided, they are inferred from selection. if solvers is None: solvers = mm.eval('zQuery -t "zSolver" -l') # zQuery gives an error if no solvers though it does not stop script # this is to stop script if solvers is None: raise StandardError("No solver in scene.") for solver in solvers: solver_transform = mc.listRelatives(solver, p=True, f=True)[0][1:] # select the solver, and read the ziva setup from solver into the zBuilder object builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_scene() # remove existing solver remove_solver(solvers=[solver]) # create an empty solver generated_solver = mm.eval('ziva -s;')[1] # make the output solver mc.rename( generated_solver, solver_transform) # rename the solver (this also auto-renames the solver shape node) mm.eval('ziva -def ' + solver + ';') # make this solver be default # re-build the solver
[docs]def rig_transfer(source_solver, prefix, target_solver=""): # Transfers the Ziva rig from 'sourceSolver' to another solver (targetSolver). # This command does not transfer the geometry. It assumes that a copy of the geometry from # sourceSolver is already available in the scene, prefixed by "prefix" (without the quotes). # For example, if sourceSolver is 'zSolver1', and prefix is 'warped_', and 'zSolver1' has a # tissue geometry (a mesh) called "tissue1", then this command assumes that there is a mesh # called "warped_tissue1" in the scene. # The command generates a Ziva rig on the 'warped_*' geometry, in the targetSolver. # If targetSolver is "", the command sets the targetSolver to sourceSolver + prefix. # If targetSolver does not exist yet, the command generates it. # Note that the targetSolver may be the same as the sourceSolver, in which case the rig # on the 'warped_*' geometry is added into the sourceSolver. if target_solver == "": target_solver = prefix + source_solver # default target solver if not mc.objExists(target_solver): generated_solver = mm.eval('ziva -s;')[1] # make the output solver mc.rename(generated_solver, target_solver) # rename the solver (this also auto-renames the transform node) # select the sourceSolver, and read the ziva setup from sourceSolver into the zBuilder object builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_scene() # rename to prefix builder.string_replace('^', prefix) builder.string_replace( '^' + prefix + source_solver, target_solver) # rename the solver stored in the zBuilder to targetSolver # we need to clear the stored mobjects. Without doing this it keeps a pointer to original object # and uses that instead of creating a new object. This makes sure it is a new setup with new nodes. builder.break_connection_to_scene() # build the transferred solver mm.eval('ziva -def ' + target_solver + ';') # make the target solver be default
[docs]def skincluster_transfer(prefix=""): # Transfer the skin clusters for the selected mesh(es) onto their warped counterpart(s), # and connect the warped mesh(es) to the warped joint hierarchy. # Both geometries must have the same topology. The names of the warped meshes must be prefixed # with prefix. # This command assumes that both the source mesh(es) and the joint hierarchy driving it via the # skin cluster(s), have already been warped, and are prefixed with "prefix" (without the # quotes). selected_nodes = if len(selected_nodes) == 0: mc.error("Must select at least one mesh.\n") if prefix == "": mc.error('Must specify a prefix.') builder = skn.SkinCluster() builder.retrieve_from_scene() builder.string_replace('^', prefix)
[docs]def load_rig(file_name, solver_name=None): # Load a Ziva rig from a file. Geometry must already be in the scene. # If solverName is not provided, the rig is applied to the solver stored in the zBuilder file. # If solverName is provided, replace the name of the solver stored in the zBuilder file # with a given solverName, and apply the rig to that solver. builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_file(file_name) if solver_name != None: # replace the solver name stored in the .zBuilder file with solverName solver_name_in_file = builder.get_scene_items( type_filter='zSolver')[0].solver[:-5] # remove 'Shape' at the end builder.string_replace(solver_name_in_file, solver_name)
[docs]def save_rig(file_name): # Save a Ziva rig to a file. # If there is only one solver in the scene, it is saved. # If there is multiple solvers, save the first solver in the union # of selected solvers and the default solver. builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_scene() builder.write(file_name)
[docs]def copy_paste_with_substitution(regular_expression, string_to_substitute_matches_with): # Copy/Pastes the Ziva rig of the selected objects, onto non-Ziva-rigged objects # whose names are defined using regular expressions. # This is useful, for example, for mirroring a Ziva rig: rig one side of the character first, # then use this command to automatically "copy" the rig to the other side. # Of course, objects must follow a proper naming convention, such as l_humerus, r_humerus, or # similar. # The specific naming convention is defined via a regular expression (regularExpression), # and a string with which to replace any regular expression matches # (stringToSubstituteMatchesWith). # For example, if regularExpression is "^l_" and stringToSubstituteMatchesWith is "r_", then all # instances of geometry that begin with "r_" will be rigged in the same way as the corresponding # geometry that begins with "l_". # The selected objects should come from exactly one solver. # Upon exiting, the command selects a few common Ziva node types (zTissue, zBone, zCloth), # for better visual feedback to the user. builder = zva.Ziva() builder.retrieve_from_scene_selection() builder.string_replace(regular_expression, string_to_substitute_matches_with) # Select the new items that have been pasted, for better visual feedback to the user. # Look into the zBuilder object and find the meshes associated with a few common Ziva node # types: displayed_node_types = ['zTissue', 'zBone', 'zCloth'] # clear selection for displayed_node_type in displayed_node_types: for item in builder.get_scene_items(type_filter=displayed_node_type): # Add each mesh of this type to selection., add=True)