zBuilder.builders package


zBuilder.builders.attributes module

class zBuilder.builders.attributes.Attributes[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

Storing maya attributes


must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.constraints module

class zBuilder.builders.constraints.Constraints[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

To capture Maya constraints. Supports point, orient and parent constraints.

build(*args, **kwargs)[source]
retrieve_from_scene(*args, **kwargs)[source]

must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.deformers module

class zBuilder.builders.deformers.Deformers[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

Test setup to play with deformers and how they are ordered on a mesh.

build(*args, **kwargs)[source]
retrieve_from_scene(*args, **kwargs)[source]

must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.deltaMush module

class zBuilder.builders.deltaMush.DeltaMush[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

To capture a deltaMush

build(*args, **kwargs)[source]
retrieve_from_scene(*args, **kwargs)[source]

must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.fields module

class zBuilder.builders.fields.Fields[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

Storing maya fields.

retrieve_from_scene(*args, **kwargs)[source]

must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.selection module

class zBuilder.builders.selection.Selection[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

Storing maya selection.


must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.skinClusters module

class zBuilder.builders.skinClusters.SkinCluster[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

Capturing Maya skinClusters

build(*args, **kwargs)[source]
retrieve_from_scene(*args, **kwargs)[source]

must create a method to inherit this class

zBuilder.builders.ziva module

class zBuilder.builders.ziva.Ziva[source]

Bases: zBuilder.builder.Builder

To capture a Ziva rig.

build(association_filter=[], attr_filter=None, interp_maps='auto', solver=True, bones=True, tissues=True, attachments=True, materials=True, fibers=True, embedder=True, cloth=True, fields=True, lineOfActions=True, rivetToBone=True, restShape=True, mirror=False, permissive=True, check_meshes=False)[source]

This builds the Ziva rig into the Maya scene. It does not build geometry as the expectation is that the geometry is in the scene.

  • solver (bool) – Build the solver.

  • bones (bool) – Build the bones.

  • tissues (bool) – Build the tissue and tets.

  • attachments (bool) – Build the attachments.

  • materials (bool) – Build the materials.

  • fibers (bool) – Build the fibers.

  • embedder (bool) – Build the embedder.

  • cloth (bool) – Build the cloth.

  • fields (bool) – Build the fields.

  • lineOfActions (bool) – Build the line of actions.

  • interp_maps (str) – Option to interpolate maps. True: Yes interpolate False: No auto: Interpolate if it needs it (vert check)

  • mirror (bool) – This mirrors the geometry in bundle.

  • permissive (bool) – False raises errors if something is wrong. Defaults to True

  • attr_filter (dict) –

    Attribute filter on what attributes to get. dictionary is key value where key is node type and value is list of attributes to use.

    tmp = {‘zSolver’:[‘substeps’]}

  • association_filter (str) – filter by node association. Defaults to list()


This resets the solvers stored in the zBuilder. Specifically, it removes any stored MObjects from the solvers.

retrieve_connections(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This retrieves the scene items from the scene based on connections to selection and does not get parameters for speed. This is main call to check scene for loading into a ui.


get_parameters (bool) – To get parameters or not. Default False

retrieve_from_scene(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This gets the scene items from the scene for further manipulation or saving. It works on selection or something passed in args. If nothing is selected it looks for a zSolver in the scene. If something is selected or passed it uses that specific solver to retrieve.

Items captured in this case are:

  • All the Ziva nodes. (zTissue, zTet, zAttachment, etc..)

  • Order of the nodes so we can re-create material layers reliably.

  • Attributes and values of the nodes. (Including weight maps)

  • Sub-tissue information.

  • User defined tet mesh reference. (Not the actual mesh)

  • Any embedded mesh reference. (Not the actual mesh)

  • Curve reference to drive zLineOfAction. (Not actual curve)

  • Relevant zSolver for each node.

  • Mesh information used for world space lookup to interpolate maps if needed.


get_parameters (bool) – To get parameters or not.

retrieve_from_scene_selection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Gets scene items based on selection.

  • attr_filter (dict) –

    Attribute filter on what attributes to get. dictionary is key value where key is node type and value is list of attributes to use.

    af = {‘zSolver’:[‘substeps’]}

  • connections (bool) – Gets the ziva nodes connected to selection as well. Defaults to True

  • solver (bool) – Gets solver data. Defaults to True

  • bones (bool) – Gets bone data. Defaults to True

  • tissue (bool) – Gets tissue data. Defaults to True

  • attachments (bool) – Gets attachments data. Defaults to True

  • materials (bool) – Gets materials data. Defaults to True

  • fibers (bool) – Gets fibers data. Defaults to True

  • cloth (bool) – Gets cloth data. Defaults to True

  • fields (bool) – Gets field data. Defaults to True

  • lineOfAction (bool) – Gets line of action data. Defaults to True

  • embedder (bool) – Gets embedder data. Defaults to True

  • get_parameters (bool) – get mesh info. Defaults to True


This takes a list of items from a maya scene and if it finds any zLineOfAction or zRivetToBone it replaces that item with the corresponding tissued mesh.

This is until zQuery is re-implemented in python.


selection ([str]) – List of items in mayas scene


Selection list with item types in ‘type_’ replaced with corresponding tissued mesh.

Return type


zBuilder.builders.ziva.zQuery(types, solver)[source]

Module contents