zBuilder.nodes.deformers package


zBuilder.nodes.deformers.blendShape module

class zBuilder.nodes.deformers.blendShape.BlendShape(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: zBuilder.nodes.deformer.Deformer

EXTEND_ATTR_LIST = ['origin']
MAP_LIST = ['inputTarget[*].inputTargetGroup[*].targetWeights', 'inputTarget[*].baseWeights']
build(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Builds the node in maya. mean to be overwritten.


This is the mesh associated with each map in obj.MAP_LIST. Typically it seems to coincide with mesh store in get_association. Sometimes it deviates, so you can override this method to define your own list of meshes against the map list.

For blendShapes we don’t know how many maps so we are generating this list based on length of maps.


of long mesh names.

Return type


property long_target

Populates the node with the info from the passed maya node in args.

This is deals with basic stuff including attributes. For other things it is meant to be overridden in inherited node.

This is inherited from Base and extended to deal with maps and meshes. :param maya_node: The maya node to populate parameter with. :type maya_node: str

property target
type = 'blendShape'

zBuilder.nodes.deformers.deltaMush module

class zBuilder.nodes.deformers.deltaMush.DeltaMush(parent=None, maya_node=None, builder=None, deserialize=None)[source]

Bases: zBuilder.nodes.deformer.Deformer

MAP_LIST = ['weightList[0].weights']
build(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Builds the node in maya. mean to be overwritten.

type = 'deltaMush'

zBuilder.nodes.deformers.skinCluster module

class zBuilder.nodes.deformers.skinCluster.SkinCluster(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: zBuilder.nodes.dg_node.DGNode

The base node for the node functionality of all nodes


List of maya attributes to add to attribute list when capturing.

SEARCH_EXCLUDE = ['_class', 'attrs', '_builder_type', 'type', 'weights']

List of attributes to exclude with a string_replace

TYPES = []

The type of node.

build(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Builds the node in maya. meant to be overwritten.


This extends ZivaBase.populate()

Adds parent and child storage.


maya_node – Maya node to populate with.

type = 'skinCluster'
zBuilder.nodes.deformers.skinCluster.apply_weights(skin_cluster, mesh, influences, weights)[source]

zBuilder.nodes.deformers.wrap module

class zBuilder.nodes.deformers.wrap.Wrap(parent=None, maya_node=None, builder=None, deserialize=None)[source]

Bases: zBuilder.nodes.deformer.Deformer

build(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Builds the node in maya. mean to be overwritten.

static get_meshes(node)[source]

Queries the deformer and returns the meshes associated with it.


node – Maya node to query.


list of strings of mesh names.

Return type

list od strings

type = 'wrap'

Module contents