
Helps create, manipulate, and use the zRestShape node.

zRestShape [flags] [Meshes ...]

Helps create, manipulate, and use the zRestShape node.

  -h  -help               <n/a>   This message.
  -a  -addTargets         <n/a>   Adds Target meshes to the Tissue as RestShape targets.
                                  Input Meshes must be the Tissue, then the target meshes.
  -r  -removeTargets      <n/a>   Removes Target meshes from the Tissue's zRestShape node.
                                  Inputs Meshes must be the Tissue, then the target meshes.
  -rd -removeDisconnected Tissue  Removes all Targets with no input connections.
  -pg -pullBackGeo        <n/a>   This flag is for creating a rest shape for a Tissue.
       It needs three meshes as input:
        - First, the neutral shape of a Tissue - as found on zGeo.iNeutralMesh.
        - Second, the shape of the Tissue after simulation, out in world space somewhere.
        - Third, a sculpted/corrected version of the simulated mesh.
       The sculpt should be in the same location as the simulated mesh,
       as the deltas between the second and third mesh will be used.
       This flag creates a new mesh, similar to the neutral shape, but with the correctives applied.
       The expectation is that this mesh will be used as a tissue rest shape.
       The name of the new mesh's transform is returned.
  -s  -smoothing          int     Specify how many smoothing passes to apply with -pullBackGeo.
                                  Default value: 3.


file -f -new;
// Make some test geometry and a tissue
polyCube -n Tissue;
polyCube -n Target1 -width 2;
polyCube -n Target2 -height 2;
ziva -t Tissue;

// Add two meshes to the tissue as rest shape targets
zRestShape -addTargets Tissue Target1 Target2;

// Remove the first target
zRestShape -removeTargets Tissue Target1;

// Add the first target back again
zRestShape -addTargets Tissue Target1;

// Disconnect the Target1. This does not change the behavior at all.
disconnectAttr Target1Shape.worldMesh[0] zRestShape1.target[2];

// Remove disconnected targets, which removes the effect of Target1.
zRestShape -removeDisconnected Tissue;